27 October, 2010

I have a goal

I am sure that people with think I am a tiny bit crazy, and they may be right. I am going up to the college and taking the placment test, turning in my application, financial aid paper work and will be assigned to an advisor which I do hope to be able to talk to for a bit today.

My plan at this point is to complete my AA in the next year, my BA in the following 2 years. A Master's in the 2-3 years that follow and finally that PhD. It is my ultimate goal to complete all of this within the next 10 years. I know it's not going to be easy, what with teaching my own children, running my household and just life in general. But there are people out there that do it everyday. I just have to pace myself and maintain a good balance with working with the children's school work and my own.

When I am done with all of this what will I use it for? I can't honestly say right now. I just know that this is my goal and I am going to do everything I can to make it happen.

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